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:: The impact of scheduling gangs with the shortest execution time on gang scheduling performance ::
The Impact of Scheduling Gangs with the Shortest
Execution Time on Gang Scheduling Performance
Maryam Sadat Mastoori
Iran University of Science and Technology
School of Electrical Engineering
Tehran, Iran
Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini
Iran University of Science and Technology
School of Electrical Engineering
Tehran, Iran
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Gang scheduling is an efficient scheduling approach that combines elements of space-sharing and time-sharing. The FillMatrix is the fourth phase in GS and plays the main role in accelerating the scheduling of more gangs. In this paper, a novel method is proposed to fill the matrix by a gang that has the smallest execution time (SET). By this method, this gang will be executed faster, and therefore more space of matrix will be freed to scheduling more larger gangs. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated under different workload variability cases. The simulation results reveal the achievement improvement of SET-FillMatrix, especially in lighten workloads.

Keywords: Job scheduling, Parallel computing, Gang scheduling, Ousterhout Matrix, Simulation


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Cite this paper as:
M.S. Mastoori and H.S. Shahhoseini, "The Impact of Scheduling Gangs with the Shortest Execution Time on Gang Scheduling Performance," 20th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Systems (CADS 2020), Rasht, Iran, 2020.
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