Parallel Rabin-Karp Algorithm for String Matching using GPU |
Parallel Rabin-Karp Algorithm for String Matching using GPU
Masoumeh Moeini
School of Electrical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Tehran, Iran |
Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini
School of Electrical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Tehran, Iran |
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String matching algorithms play an important role in many aspects. In this paper, a new method is proposed for parallel execution of Rabin-Karp string matching algorithm. In the proposed method, all patterns are divided into different groups. This categorization has been used to prevent redundant comparisons and accelerate the matching process. This procedure takes two advantages: a reduction in the number of comparisons of hash values and a decline in the number of pattern reading from global memory. It is recommended to implement the algorithm in various cases on NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA Platform to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results depict that the execution time of the algorithm has decreased significantly. In the best case, the proposed method is approximately 27 times faster than the series mode.
Keywords: String Matching Algorithm; Rabin-Karp Algorithm; GPU; Categorization
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Cite this paper as:
M. Moeini and H.S. Shahhoseini, "Parallel Rabin-Karp Algorithm for String Matching using GPU," 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2019), Tehran, Iran, 2019.