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Some past research projects that are running or have been completed by members and researchers of ICT-SIS are listed below:

E-Science-Net: Universities and Research Network for Science and Technology Development in the Information Society
The aim of this project is to establish an active national reference research point in the field of e-Science in Iran. It also looks for future scientific cooperation as possible in the world in the related area. The participating researchers, universities professors, and students in the network can exchange the ideas and scientific information through a web-based platform. The project tries to conduct some expert surveys on e-Science and the role of science and technology in building and sustainable development of the information and knowledge societies in different scientific subjects (more).

Research Study and Preparation of International Strategic Documents for the Information Society

According to passing more than half of the 10 year period approved in the world summit at 2003 and 2005 in Geneva and Tunis where I.R.Iran played an effective role in them, evaluating the accomplished activities and further coordinating the activities in the ICT domain are inevitable. This project aimed at studying the background of the subject and the existing documents in Iran and other countries, as well as preparing the following documents as supporting documents:

  • Evaluating the Information Society: The World Situation in Mid-Range of WSIS,
  • Descriptive Calendar of Events and Meetings for WSIS,
  • A framework for preparation the National Reports in Information Society,
  • Information Technology and Basic Concepts of Information Society.

The first three volumes were intended to determine the status, produce national reports and have effective participation in international decision-makings. The fourth one aimed to explain the concepts of WSIS for newly recruited managers and experts.

This research project, which resulted in establishing Iran National Committee for WSIS, was the winner of WSIS-Prize-2012 in Action Line C11.

Impact of IT industry on Gross Domestic Products in Developing Plan Iran

This project which is announced by ITO and performed by IUST ICT-SIS has conducted an expert survey on the contribution of the IT industry to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The purpose of this research project is to investigate the drivers that push up the IT industry’s share of GDP and determine the directions for future orientation of the industry. It is implemented through cooperation between more than 80 experts in four reference groups - academics, policy-makers, technology specialists and service providers. Following a broad survey, four questionnaires were designed and an electronic Delphi software system was developed to gather the views of the experts involved in the projects over the web. The data were discussed in a conference of experts.


Technical Capacity Building for Improving Iran International Ranks in the Field of IT

Indicators give a general view about the countries in a special domain where the index model has targeted. International technical bodies try to define the index models and evaluate the countries around the world. Data collection by approved references and timely submitting the data through the official focal points to international bodies that rank the countries are two main challenge of this subject. In the field of Information Technology, where the fact and figures change rapidly and performing the developing plans affect the indicator more than the other technologies; we have been encountered with missing data and non-updated data in international reports. In this project which is carried out by ICT-SIS as the international part of a national project regarding the data collections and monitoring the situation of information technology in Iran, several researches have been conducted for capacity building such as creating analytical reports on ICT in Iran and the world, making administrative reports in the field ICT, monitoring the international events and reporting the trend, and supporting the Iran delegations to attend in technical meeting about ICT index.


Strategic Documents and Developing International Affairs in the field of WSIS

This project runs after previous project in the field of WSIS that Iran University of Science and technology (IUST) had done as the consultant of Iran Information Technology Organization (ITO), and results in reactivation WSIS in 2011 and 2012. To raise Iran presence in international events in field of WSIS such as The First Review Meeting of WSIS held by UNESCO Headquarter in Paris and WSIS Forum held annually by ITU in Geneva, and to conduct the national activities to create synergy in field of WSIS among governmental organizations, ITO selects again IUST ICT-SIS as the consultant in the field of WSIS in 2013. Data collection from governmental and private sector regarding WSIS action lines, making national reports on WSIS, holding workshop on preparation for regional conference on WSIS, supporting Iran delegation to attend  in WSIS events on 2013, and conducting Iran national committee for WSIS as secretariat office were the main activities of this project.


Developing National IT Standards

In this project some of the national standard for networking was developed. The international standards have been studied and the national standard has been proposed to the special committee in the Institute of standards & Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI). The outcomes have been announced as Iran national standard in field of networking by ISIRI.

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