The National Conference on Preparation for WSIS+10 Summit 2015 (WSIS-Iran-2012) |
| Post date: 2012/03/4 | |
The National Conference on Preparation for WSIS+10 Summit 2015 (WSIS-Iran-2012)
Ghandi Conference Center, ICT Ministry, Tehran; 4 March 2012 |
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Iran Country Workshop on WSIS |
| Post date: 2012/05/26 | |
Iran Country Workshop on WSIS
ILO, Geneva, as a part of WSIS Forum2012; 26 May 2012 |
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First Conference on Information Technology Industry and GDP |
| Post date: 2012/06/10 | |
First Conference on Information Technology Industry and GDP
Moola-Sadra Hall, E.E.Dep., IUST , Tehran; 10 June 2012 |
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Preparation for Regional Conference on WSIS2015 |
| Post date: 2012/11/12 | |
Preparation for Regional Conference on WSIS2015
Hafezieh Hall, Saad-Abad Complex, Tehran; 12 Nov 2012 |
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Information Technology Industry and GDP in world Economic Crisis: Drivers and future landscape |
| Post date: 2013/05/15 | |
Information Technology Industry and GDP in world Economic Crisis: Drivers and future landscape
ITU Headquarter, Geneva, A thematic Workshop in WSIS Forum2013; 15 May 2013 |
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Iran Country Workshop on WSIS - WSIS Forum2013 |
| Post date: 2013/05/16 | |
Iran Country Workshop on WSIS
ITU Headquarter, Geneva, as a part of WSIS Forum2013; 16 May 2013 |
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Iran National Committee for WSIS Monthly Workgroups Sessions |
| Post date: 2013/12/9 | |
Iran National Committee for WSIS Monthly Workgroups Sessions
ITO Conference Room, Information Technology Organization (ITO), Tehran; Monthly Meeting. |
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The National Conference on Preparation for WSIS+10 Summit 2015 (WSIS-Iran-2014) |
| Post date: 2014/01/28 | |
The National Conference on Preparation for WSIS+10 Summit 2015 (WSIS-Iran-2014)
Ghandi Conference Center, ICT Ministry, Tehran; 28 Jan 2014 |
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Country workshop - Iran's Progress in the Information Society WSIS Forum 2016, Session 108 |
| Post date: 2016/05/2 | |
Country workshop - Iran's Progress in the Information Society WSIS Forum 2016, Session 108.
International Telecommunication ::union:: (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, 2-6 May 2016. |
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Thematic Workshop - Role of ICT in the Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons Learned and Approaches |
| Post date: 2016/05/2 | |
Thematic Workshop - Role of ICT in the Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons Learned and Approaches.
Geneva, Switzerland, Room A, ITU Tower, 2-6 May 2016. |
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