ict-sis- Events
Iran National Committee for WSIS Monthly Workgroups Sessions

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Iran National Committee for WSIS Monthly Workgroups Sessions

ITO Conference Room, Information Technology Organization (ITO), Tehran; Monthly Meeting.

To coordinate the WSIS activities in Iran and to have an effective role in the process towards the World Summit on the Information Society in 2015, the National Committee for WSIS are established by Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO) in 2011. The establishment of the committee was consequence of performing a research project entitled “Research Study and Preparation of International Strategic Documents for the Information Society” that was carried out by Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). The committee members are representatives of governmental organizations as well as nongovernmental and private sector and WSIS experts.

Two main workgroups were created in the Iran National Committee for WSIS: the Strategic Planning workgroup and the Targets and Action Lines Coordination workgroup. The committee has some subsidiary workgroups in the organizations that are active in pursuing related WSIS Action Lines.

The committee’s monthly sessions have been conducted by ICT-SIS as Program Chair and Secretariat Office of Iran National Committee for WSIS and a series of presentations are offered by ICT-SIS researchers in the sessions. The last session was held on 9 December 2013 which the representative of governmental organizations reports their recent activities in the field of WSIS.

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