ict-sis- Events
Country workshop - Iran's Progress in the Information Society WSIS Forum 2016, Session 108

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Country workshop - Iran's Progress in the Information Society WSIS Forum 2016, Session 108.
International Telecommunication ::union:: (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, 2-6 May 2016.
This workshop is organized in two parts. In this first part a brief summary of achievements and major activities has been carried out by the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the WSIS Action Lines will be reported. Panelists from government, private sector, and academia will update the past reported projects, as well as introducing the new ones.
In the second part of the workshop, core results of the Iran national ICT measurement survey, conducted by the Information Technology Organization (ITO), as the body in charge for planning and monitoring the Information Technology (IT) in Iran, will be reviewed. Panelists will highlight the outcomes of the survey which are related to WSIS Action Lines. 
These presentations help participants in gaining a general view about ICTs in general, and WSIS in particular, in Iran.
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